Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tibet & Everest Adventure Day 1: Arrival to Chengdu at night

The starting of my great journey to a place that I wanted to visit since we heard the dalai lama issue at Tibet that wanted freedom at a very young age.

Tibet is also known as a very sacred and holy place for Buddhism. Taking a late evening flight and reached Chengdu at 10:40pm. Planned to stay near the airport as Chengdu is just a gateway to Tibet as arranged all the Tibet arrangement through Chengdu Tours Company.

The Tibet permit was sent directly to the hotel where I stay overnight. Everything was smooth as I manage to call for free pick up, identify the transport number and got my permit from the reception. Even is a short stay and I did have a reasonable good rest before the next hectic day where my flight to Lhasa at 8:30am with China Eastern.

-Next Day-

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