Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Future Backpacking Trips

After backpack to Manado and Chiang Mai, I am figuring my next backpacking destination. I always wanted to explore the world heritage area declare by UNESCO which I believe it would be worth a visit.

Before any major planning, these 2 months (May & June) I would be visiting Malaysia World Heritage Site's Penang and famous dive island's Tioman for some local adventure. At the end of June, I will be joining KL marathon but I only running for 10km. But it is a good healthy exercise for me to boost up my energy in my future backpacking trip.

I am planning to visit Indonesia heritage sites and Vietnam heritage sites. My priority backpacking trip would be Indonesia Borobudur and Prambanan temple. I am planning a 9 days backpacking first flying to Jakarta for a night. Then taking a night train straight to Jogya and staying at Jogya for 3 days 2 nights visiting main attraction Borobudur and Prambanan temple following with a 2 days 1 night trip to Mount Bromo to enjoy a magnificent volcanic mountain scenery before ending my trip at Bali for 3 nights. I will be flying back to Kuala Lumpur from Bali and that make my Indonesia Java trip a complete itinerary.

My second planning is Vietnam, where I will be targeting the 3 world heritage sites located at central Vietnam. This trip will take 8 to 9 day as well where I will arrive at Ho Chi Minh for 2 nights and then taking a train to central Vietnam to visit Hoi An ancient town, Hue monuments and My Son Sanctuary. I will be staying at central Vietnam for 3 nights before departing to Hanoi for our last destination before flying back to KL.

This is an adventure itinerary that I always wanted to do for a intra country backpacking where I can cover few UNESCO world heritage area and also a mixture of mountain, beach and shopping altogether.

So this would be my future trip that I waiting for so long. Stay with me for the updates.

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