Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Day 3: Perhentian Diving and Snorkeling

Heading to the dive center for the morning dive departure at 8:30am right after the resort breakfast. There are some open water and instructor course on going and I was just tag along for the leisure dive at Batu Nisan dive site at Perhentian Kecil between long beach and d'lagoon. Many clown fish and saw a school of fusiliers which is beautiful. Check out the dive!!
After the dive, we can have some beach activities like sand castle built up and beach swimming. There are a swimming pool at the resort for those that wanna have a normal swim. 

After lunch and a light rest, then we head to our snorkeling trips to 3 locations. I would highly recommend shark point and turtle point as well. The rest is reef fish snorkeling.

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