Thursday, September 17, 2015

India Day 2: Delhi day tour to Red Fort & Qutub Minar

It is consider a first day at India where I start a day at Delhi as I have not get any train tickets for my journey.
So after breakfast I walk to the Delhi train station. There are many signage to the tourist bureau center at the 1st floor of the train station.
It is convenient for tourist to purchase all the train tickets journey. I got my train journey DELHI-AGRA-JAIPUR-DELHI. Awesome and it was so easy.
The total train ticket price cost Rs515 (DELHI-AGRA, CC), Rs695 (AGRA-JAIPUR, 2AC) & Rs485 (JAIPU-DELHI, CC).
Then I continue with my day attraction visit to first stop which is the red fort where I took the Delhi metro to Chandhi Chowk.
Normally for tourist, there would be many tuk tuk or tricycle will approach you and then they like to bring you to souvenir or jewellery shop. Just beware and I pay Rs100 just for the short tricycle.
The red fort is not very impressive with the normal heritage entrance of Rs250.

Then after red fort I quickly take the metro to Qutub Minar for my second heritage. The metro is quite a distance from the entrance where I walk about 20 to 30 minutes. The tuk tuk is just approax Rs50 per way. Qutub Minar is a great site where the tower is restore by few generation king which show different patching like bad replacement which totally a different understanding which gain the recognition. A fascinating site that shouldn’t miss.

-Next Day-

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