Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 6 – Sarangkot & Cycling adventure 2

Day 6 – Sarangkot & Cycling adventure 2 Today would be another exciting day as most of us wanted to see the beautiful view of the Himalayan’s mountain range which consist of Annapurna. The view with sunrise is not always beautiful each day depends on the weather and we are so lucky to capture this moments of the mountain range and sunrise with clear weather. We hire a car to pick us at 5am and the journey is about 30min to 45min before sunrise. This famous place is full of tourist and it is a bit disappointed when we see the crowds but the beautiful view surely compliment back 100%.

After the beautiful sunrise and mountain range, then we return back to the hotel for our breakfast before proceeding with our second day cycling to Lake Begnas where the highway to Kathmandu. This cycling route should be a beautiful view along the way but unfortunately the weather that day is bad and there are no view and we lost our way. The second day cycling is a tiring day for us too and we nearly give up as 1 of our bicycle got puncture tires the whole journey. But we manage to locate the lake to have a look which doesn’t much amazing. We had our lunch near the lake and decided to take a local bus transporting back our bicycle as well.

After settle down at evening, we stroll along the lake fewa and have a drink beside the lake which is a nice place to wind up after a tiring day.

-Next Day-

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