Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day 12 – Dhulikel to Chagunarayan to Bhaktapur

Our final day of the trekking trip is mostly visiting places of interest like Bhaktapur and Chagunarayan temple where this temple is bundle together with the Kathmandu world heritage sites iisting.

Below is the Guesthouse at Dhulikel after the trekking: -

We took a bus from Dhulikel to Bhaktapur passing Banepa and we getting down at Suryabinayak. Bhaktapur is walking distance from Suryabinayak stop. Then we walk to Bhaktapur heritage sites and this city is a really a authentic heritage city with beautiful old brick brown building in the whole city. There are many tourist would like to stay at this heritage areas which make its little expensive for food and meal. Then the driver meet us at Bhaktapur to pick us to visit the Temple of Chagunarayan.

The temple Chagunarayan is the oldest and beautiful temple with amazing temple architecture.

We had our lunch at Chagunarayan with a trekking mountain view where we enjoy the little mountain that we trekked at the lunch place.

We plan to buy a dinner for the tour manager and the guide.

-Next Day-

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