Friday, October 26, 2012

Trip Archival: Visiting Cambodia at 2006

(This is a archival trip sharing based on 2006 reports and some information like road, lifestyle and journey distance may not be applicable BUT you may refer to the itinerary for reference)

9/Mar/2006 – Depart from KL at 11am and expecting to arrive Siem Reap at 2pm. Visiting Siem Reap city’s market for some early sourvenir purchasing. There are many children beggars on the street and we went to a street with bars and restaurant for our dinner.

10/Mar/2006 – Visiting Banteay Srei in the morning, and then proceed to Angkor Thom and Banyan temples in the afternoon and finally end our temple grand tour of Angkor Wat in the evening. Banteay Srei is a temple craft with beautiful crafting on the red sand temple. Angkor thom is the temple cover with tree trunks where ‘Tomb Raider’ movie was flimed. Banyan temple is the temple with Buddha faces and finally Angkor Wat is the grand majestic temple of World Heritage Site.

11/Mar/2006 – Visiting Tonle Sap lake near floating village for a boat ride for a full day adventure. The journey to Tonle Sap lake is through the bumpy red sand road about 2 hours. We took the long boat ride around the lake but personally I think the lake is not amazing but the interesting part is to witness the Cambodia local people lifestyle. There are even children beggars on the lake (sitting on a big cup aka boat and begging).

12/Mar/2006 – Depart from Siem Reap at 7am from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh. Journey takes around 6 hours and reach Phnom Penh at late noon. Visit Russian market (Psar Ton Tom Poung) and Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S-21 Prison). Tuol Sieng is a school converted into a prison by Khmer regime. It is a great experience to feel the ugly and horrific recent past of Cambodia.

13/Mar/2006 – Visiting The Killing Fields of Choeung Ek where the Khmer Rouge killed many thousands of their victims during their four-year reign of terror. The journey to the killing field take around 1 hour with a tuk tuk through bumpy red sand road and also very dusty. It is a great ride at Cambodia.

14/Mar/2006 – Depart from Phnom Penh back to KL.

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