Thursday, October 2, 2008

Climbing Gunung Batu Putih, Peninsula 8th highest

Finally I get to climbed one of the mountain above 2000m in Peninisula Malaysia called Gunung Batu Putih, which is the 8th highest mountain in Peninsula Malaysia.

Here are my trip itineraries (actual climbing during merdeka holiday) :-

We rush to tapah on 29th August at 11pm and reached tapah at around 1:30am. Crazy !! just rest a while and then we had our breakfast at 7am on the 30th, then reached the mountain entrance at around 8:30am and then all climbers gear up and start climbing at 9am.

The whole climbing took 3 day and 2 night camping. The whole climbing are tough especially on the first day where we climb almost 6-7 hours to reach the cave campsite. I am not really that fit especially with the heavy backpack carrying tents, utensil and foods. No Kidding !!!

Then second day suppose to be another climbing to the peak and camping at the peak. The third day would be the descending.

It is a really great experience.....

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